How Its Works
GO Team was built for organizations just like yours.
GO Team® is your learning solution for any intact work group or team: Temporary or long-term groups. Entry level or executive level. “Real teams” or just a group of people. Whenever you have a group or team that needs to work together better, GO Team delivers fast and fun team development.
Each module of GO Team takes between two and four hours to complete, and requires very little setup. Don’t have a training room? No worries. Have the team take a long lunch in the break room and work through a module of GO Team together!
But this isn’t like traditional training! There are no PowerPoints, and no lectures. All of the learning is active, dialogue-based, and driven by the members of the team.
Teambuilding has never been so accessible.
You can purchase the entire GO Team digital library of 18 modules, plus all support materials, for just $299, bringing the power of team learning to organizations large and small.
Or if you wish, you may purchase just a single module (including the accompanying Facilitator Guide) for just $99.